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Big Changes, Same Great Scents

When I started Long Rifle Soap Company in 2014, I didn’t expect to still be on such a fantastic journey. Several years ago I even managed to move a whole house and studio during the busiest time of the year! 

But like every business, it’s time to evolve. I’m going to be heading to work full time, so I need to streamline the business. I’ve been thinking about doing this for the past couple years, but funny how it takes a push to make it happen.

I’m going to break these changes down by products, and then by how all scents will be renamed. 

Product Changes

  • Seasonal Rotations – This is hard, as scent is so subjective and everybody has a favorite. Some scents will be available year-round, and remaining scents and any new scents will be scheduled on a limited release. A portion of the sale of all limited-edition items will go to environmental charities – such as I had done with Leatherstocking ($150 went to Sierra Club, The National Park Foundation and Habitat for Humanity). As I wrap my head around how this will work, I will make announcements.
  • Scents - Three scents in all products will be offered year-round: Hunting Lodge, Voyageur, and 1776. But they will be under different names (keep reading to find out why). Our other scents will be offered on a limited-edition basis throughout the year.
    Shaving Soaps - The biggest part of Long Rifle is my shaving products. Even though I started with bar soaps, it really is the shaving products that have moved my business forward. All shaving soaps will be reformulated to the Black Label wool fat formula. Shavers deserve the thick lather provided by lanolin. And as a shepherd, I approve!
  • Shave Tonics – All shave tonics will be reformulated to the Black Label formula – that means more botanicals and jojoba oil to condition skin. You deserve the best!
    Beard Balm and Beard Oil – Formulas will remain the same and in the three main scents.
  • Bar Soap – Bar soaps will become one-color, using natural colorants and available in the three main scents. The Shampoo Bar will switch to the Hunting Lodge scent and will become a big, chunky bar.
  • Mustache Wax – remains the same.
  • Candles – When supply runs out, all candles will be renamed and offered throughout the year. I’ve already been in touch with Big White Yeti and they are excited for our new adventure.

What’s In a Name?

I did mention that scents will be renamed. This was the hardest decision as I know people become attached to drawn to an item because of the name. I’ve thought long and hard as over the years because I’ve felt hampered. When I started the company, I had images of Leatherstocking Tales and my paternal family’s New France ancestry that makes me related to half of Canada. Our labeling even uses a 1753 French map of the Great Lakes. But the naming convention was really limited and I found myself struggling. So I’m turning back to my ancient French ancestry and have made the decision to rename based on the key scent note in the scent. Numbers are assigned for various reasons from within my business (rollout, rank, because I like the number, etc.). So, drumroll please …

  • Tabac No. 01 – Hunting Lodge
  • Cèdre No. 06 – 1776
  • Tabac No. 04 – Brown Bess
  • Épicé No. 07 – Bay Rhum
  • Chypre No. 03 – Voyageur
  • Boisé No. 09 – Saranac
  • Menthe No. 05 – Hivernant

Changes will be made as product is sold out and reintroduced. For the next year, I will reference the old name in website copy to help avoid confusion for returning customers. Scent notes will be listed as well to help guide customers. Other names you may eventually see are Oud, Ambre, Santal, Fougère, etc.

A lot of thought and agonizing has gone into these changes and I know some customers may feel upset or disappointed. I do feel bad about that and so glad it helped draw them to my little brand. But for me it feels authentic and I am excited as this frees up the opportunity for new scents!

Thank you for being on this journey with me!

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